Tuesday morning brought Nintendo‘s time to shine at E3 2021. With their Nintendo Direct presentation, the company announced Mario Party Superstars and Metroid Dread. And Nintendo shared an update on a much-anticipated title: the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The game developer dropped the first look for the follow-up to the popular Zelda game at E3 2019. That trailer showed a game in early development and mostly cinematic style footage. But Tuesday’s tease reveals more in-game footage.
Perhaps the most exciting update is that not only are we returning to Hyrule and all its weird wonderfulness, we get to play in the skies. That will open up new areas to explore, fresh maneuvers, and likely different allies and foes. This teaser shows the dramatic world in all its pastel-hued glory. It’s light and adventurous… until it isn’t. Something seems amiss in Hyrule and we just have a hunch it will be up to the player and Link to save the day.
Even if things get darker in Hyrule, the addition of the skies in the Breath of the Wild sequel gives players another method of navigation. Imagine if the game includes sky beasts you can ride around! If you only move by flying or gliding, taking to the air and diving around clouds looks like a blast. And that’s not even mentioning the portal situation. We see Link blip through a rock like it’s nothing, which is surely a skill that will come in handy when evading foes and traveling quickly.
Nintendo plans for the Breath of the Wild sequel (no official title yet) to arrive in 2022. With it only being a year away, we’re guessing maybe towards the end of 2022.
Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist and the author of A Kid’s Guide to Fandom, available now. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
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