Netflix’s adaption of The Sandman premiered its first season in August. The series brought the comic book series by writer Neil Gaiman and a number of artists to the screen in a faithful retelling. In many instances, it brought the comic book panels to life. We spent time with Morpheus and Dream, but we barely got to know the whimsical and fantastical world of the Endless. However, it’s time for more stories. After DC Comics accidentally tweeted the news on Wednesday, Netflix confirmed The Sandman is a go for more. Yes, we are officially getting more new episodes of The Sandman. Fans of the Endless rejoice.
To celebrate the new episodes of The Sandman, Netflix even released a short teaser featuring Morpheus’ helm. And we got a logo, “The dream continues.” We love it. A release from Netflix also shares that the show will return with even more new “episodes and stories to be adapted from multiple The Sandman graphic novels.” For now, though, we have not received confirmation on episode count and story details. We will, however, get The Sandman profile icons.
More new episodes of The Sandman were not guaranteed at any point, even with the show’s success. In a since-deleted tweet, Gaiman noted the show “is really expensive” and that for Netflix to order another season, The Sandman had to “perform incredibly well.” Given that how Netflix measures success is not entirely transparent, we’re not positive what kind of metrics led to this continuation. But we’re glad to see that they have.
Offering us more information about this new, next chapter of The Sandman, Gaiman notes in a release:
Millions upon millions of people have welcomed and watched and loved The Sandman on Netflix, from established Sandman fans to people who were simply curious, and then became obsessed with the Lord of Dreams, his family and their goings-on. It gives me unbelievable pleasure to say that, working with Netflix and Warner Bros., Allan Heinberg, David Goyer and I will be bringing even more of The Sandman stories to life. There are some astonishing stories waiting for Morpheus and the rest of them (not to mention more members of the Endless Family to meet). Nobody is going to be happier about this than the Sandman cast and crew: they are the biggest Sandman fans there are. And now it’s time to get back to work. There’s a family meal ahead, after all. And Lucifer is waiting for Morpheus to return to Hell…
What we do know is that we’re looking forward to seeing more of the Endless. Season one of The Sandman brought a story that showed us why adaptations exist. It brought in a moving deep cut from the Hellblazer comics. And it even wrapped up with a surprise bonus episode. The original Sandman comics series includes ran for 75 issues. So, the series has plenty of material to pull from. The show has plenty more rich, sometimes twisted characters to introduce and explore.
As for when the release date for the new episodes of The Sandman will be. It’s likely going to take a moment.
The post Netflix Renews THE SANDMAN for New Episodes appeared first on Nerdist.
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