Legendary has set its upcoming adaptation of the comic God’s Country at Netflix. Jim Mickle, co-creator and showrunner of Netflix series Sweet Tooth, is helming the film. Per The Hollywood Reporter, which broke the news, he’ll also share writing duties with Donny Cates, who wrote the comic. The fantasy adaptation follows an old widower named Emmet Quinlan with dementia whose mind and body get restored after a tornado—due to an enchanted sword. Naturally, this enchanted sword also draws creatures into this world, and more specifically, Quinlan’s home state of Texas.
It’s certainly an interesting premise, and it’s promising to see Cates, the comic’s scribe, on board for the adaptation. However, it doesn’t look like there’s any additional details just yet. Certainly no info on casting, although we’re keeping our eyes and ears out.
Published by Image Comics in 2017, the six-issue God’s Country series features art from Geoff Shaw. Here’s the full synopsis from Image Comics:
Emmet Quinlan, an old widower rattled by dementia, isn’t just a problem for his children—his violent outbursts are more than the local cops can handle. When a tornado levels his home—as well as the surrounding West Texas town—a restored Quinlan rises from the wreckage. The enchanted sword at the eye of the storm gives him more than a sound mind and body, however. He’s now the only man who can face the otherworldly creatures the sword has drawn down to the Lone Star State…
Legendary and AfterShock are producing, with Mickle producing through his Nightshade banner. Mickle isn’t a novice at adapting comics. Sweet Tooth itself is based on the comic of the same name by writer and artist Jeff Lemire. And, of course, Cates is quite a veteran comics writer. He’s written several comics for Marvel—including Venom and Cosmic Ghost Rider—Babyteeth for AfterShock, and Redneck for Image Comics.
The God’s Country film does not yet have a release date.
Editor’s Note: Nerdist is a subsidiary of Legendary Digital Networks.
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