Netflix has established the Fear Street movie trilogy as the centerpiece of its summer movie release schedule. So far, we’ve explored the horror drenched suburban neighborhood of Shadyside circa the 1990s and the 1970s. Today marks the release of the third entry in the series, which takes the horror back to the 1600s. Your mileage may vary on whether this conclusive chapter wraps things up satisfyingly. But no matter where you stand on that, you’ll have to cop to the franchise’s ongoing devotion to nods to horror history.
Accompanying the release of Fear Street Part Three: 1966 on Netflix, we have a video detailing the laundry list of horror-themed Easter eggs in the three movies. The list is delivered by Sadie Sink, who plays Ziggy Berman in all three Fear Street movies, as well as Constance in the third. (Though you likely already knew her as Max Mayfield on Stranger Things.) If you haven’t seen all three Fear Streets just yet, you may want to put off watching the below featurette.
Sink takes us through Fear Street’s many, many references to horror movies and books. Some are no-brainers, like nods to Stephen King and R.L. Stine, who penned the Fear Street novels. We get references to classic spooky flicks like King’s Carrie and Scream. But others are a touch more out of left field. (Who expected a Terrence Malick film to show up on this list?)
In addition to extra-textual references, the video also pinpoints moments of foreshadowing throughout the movies. But frankly, you more than likely caught most of those while viewing.
Fear Street was the first of its kind for Netflix—the at-home equivalent to a summer movie event, which paid off in good scares and fun. Though the story closes out with 1666, we can hope that the streamer will experiment with more projects of the like. Maybe the summer of 2022 will give us another back-to-back horror trilogy worth tuning into.
The post Sadie Sink Takes Us Through FEAR STREET’s Many Easter Eggs appeared first on Nerdist.
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